Tuesday, June 10, 2008

A little worried (just a little)

Over the weekend, I took the felines in for their annual checkup/vaccinations/etc.  Since they are now FIVE years old, the vet suggested some baseline bloodwork so we can start monitoring kidney function etc.  Fine.  The problem started when the cats were weighed.  My cats are big...Bear weighs a little over 17 pounds but even his vet says that he's just a big cat and his weight is ok.  But little Daisy gained over a pound!  I had noticed that she seemed a little heftier than usual.  The vet gave me the usual speech about weight and female cats being at higher risk for diabetes so I went home and immediately started putting less food in the bowl at each feeding.  The only reason I haven't done this before is because I was afraid that Daisy would eat more than her fair share and poor Bear would go hungry (she's really food-focused).  Anyway...the vet called this morning saying that they wanted to do a fructosamine test on Daisy as well based on some results from her bloodwork.  So I looked it up online and it turns out that this is a test for diabetes.  Needless to say I was a little thrown off by the whole thing.  Daisy's my little companion...my shadow.  She is almost always the last thing that I see at night before I fall asleep and the first thing that I see when I wake up in the morning (mostly because she was the one who woke me up but that's another story).  I love Bear but he is much more independent than Daisy - he sleeps in his current favorite-spot-of-the-day (it changes) and there are many mornings where I am the one who wakes HIM up.

So fingers crossed for little Daisy (and me too - I have a feeling that things are not going to be very pleasant around my house if I have to start giving that cat insulin shots!)