Saturday, May 31, 2008

The Shelter Cats

I volunteer for an animal rescue organization called Save the Animals Rescue Team II (START II).  We have a shelter but we also run the adoption centers in several Petsmart stores.  I volunteer at the adoption center in Nanuet, NY.  Once a week, I go up to the store in the evening after work and clean cages, socialize with the cats, medicate when needed, and speak to potential adopters (we only do adoptions on Saturday and Sunday but I try and at least get them interested enough to come back the next day).  I've been doing this for 3 years now and I really love it.  Sometimes it's hard (like the days when it seems like ALL the cats have stomach problems) and sometimes it's sad.  But most of the time, it's like it was last night.  We're coming on kitten season now and we currently have five 8-10 week old kittens (3 in one litter, 2 in another).  I love letting the kittens out and watching them run around and practice all their little kitten tricks.  I especially love the smaller ones who are still a little awkward - they're just so cute!  And most of the women that I volunteer with are just the loveliest, caring, amazing people I have ever met.  I only give one night of my week for this...many of them give much, much more.  Even though I cover my evening by myself, Friday nights are nice because some of the ladies stop by and visit.  I need to remember to start bringing my camera so I can post some pictures!

Before I started volunteering, I never considered adopting an older cat.  My mother was always adamant that you had to get them while they were kittens or they wouldn't bond with you.  I got my two cats when they were kittens - I picked Daisy out when she was 7 days old and then went back and picked Bear out the next week.  Then I spent the next 6 weeks visiting them at the animal hospital where they were born until they were old enough to come home with me.  That was a great experience and a lot of fun and I wouldn't change it for the world.  But kittens are WORK...every time I see them running around like lunatics in the adoption center and climbing everything that won't move (and some things that will), I think about how glad I am that my cats (well Daisy, at least) are finally beyond that stage.  And I've really come to appreciate the older animals - they're the ones who really need me.  Thankfully, I've been able to resist bringing another one home - two is enough in my small apartment, at least for now.  I have considered getting a dog, but I definitely only want to adopt an adult dog over the age of 3.  But then I see some poor schnook walking their dog in the rain and I re-think the whole dog thing...perhaps I'm more of a cat person :-)

We have some really lovely older cats in the adoption center who need good homes.  Trixie is a beautiful calico who is really, really sweet.  When you pet her, she puts her tail straight up and the tip quivers - so cute!  And Rudy is a really BIG black and white tuxedo - he was so depressed when he first came to us but he's starting to come out of it a little bit now.  He loves to be petted and brushed and is just a mush.  There are more - we usually have anywhere between 10 and 18 cats in the adoption center at any time (right now, we have 17, what with all the kittens) and they all have their quirks and their baggage but are a right match for someone out there with a good home to give (even Rosa, who hates me - I'm sure there's someone out there who can win her over!)

So if you don't already have a herd of cats, come on down to the adoption center at the Petsmart in Nanuet NY, or go to your local shelter and get one or three!

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