Tuesday, May 13, 2008

You're so vain

I have curly hair that is currently in some sort of limbo-growing-out stage.  Yesterday, it rained.  A LOT.  And it was very, very windy.  This is not a good combination if you want to look your best, especially when your morning commute involves walking outside.  As it was, I couldn't really do much with my hair in the morning because of the humidity, but by the time I got to work, I was a frizzy mess.  To top it all off, I really need to get my roots done and the gray in my hair was ESPECIALLY noticeable yesterday.

Yesterday morning, I was in a training class with a bunch of people from my department.  There is one guy that I'm friendly with who is very attentive to details and has noticed changes in my hairstyle in the past.  So of course, he sat behind me in the training class.  And the whole time I was supposed to be learning about derivatives, the only thing I could think of is the fact that this guy is looking at the back of my head and my hair is A MESS (I had also made some unfortunate wardrobe choices that morning but let's not go into that).

So fast forward to today.  It was a beautiful, DRY day today.  I used a different combination of hair products this morning and had probably the best hair day I've had in a long while.  But the guy who notices my hair wasn't in the office today, which was disappointing because I really wanted the chance to redeem myself in the hair department.  I did talk to him during the day though, and somehow managed to work the fact that I was having a good hair day into the conversation (Yeah...today really sucked.  But at least I'm having a great hair day!)  This guy must think I'm a complete lunatic.

Sadly, there are a lot more people out there who saw me with that hair.  It's going to take me a while to get to them all.

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