Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Things I Love

Cool Beans Coffee Pods - especially the Hazelnut and Mocha Cinnamon Swirl...yum.

Crazy Aunt Purl - she may be crazy, but I really admire the "living out loud".  I went back to the beginning and am reading all of her posts - I'm at June 2007 right now.  And I peeked ahead a bit, so I know about Roy, which was very poignant.  Every time I think about it I have to hug the felines (which doesn't please them at all).

The fact that we finally have some nice weather!

The thank you note that I got from my Tokyo users for helping them with all of their problems and getting on the phone with them at odd hours.

I'm not sure if this falls under the category of "Things I Love" but my SOCK is doing much better now.  I'm afraid to say I love it because I'm sure it will just disintegrate if I do, but I finished the cuff and am about 1/4 way through the leg (I haven't really been knitting that much due to the interference of unimportant things like "work" and "decluttering the house so that I won't have to move out because there's no room for me, two cats, and all of THEIR stuff".  I'll post a picture next time.

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