Monday, May 12, 2008

Will someone please save me from myself?

First of all...I have watched The Queen about 20 times in the past few weeks.  I really just can't seem to get enough of it.  My grandmother was from Scotland and she loved the royals, and she definitely passed that on to me.  I remember getting up very early in the morning with her to watch Charles and Diana's wedding.  And doing the same thing almost 20 years later for Diana's funeral.  So I guess it's no surprise that I would love this movie.

While I have been watching The Queen, I have been trying to knit my first sock (note that this says "sock" and not "socks").  I'm relatively new to knitting.  My grandmothers taught me to knit and crochet when I was very young, but I never really made anything.  I picked both knitting and crocheting back up a few years ago and basically taught myself everything I know (which isn't really a whole lot).  I've made many, many scarves, and am almost done with my second afghan.  I've also done two baby blankets and a couple of iPod holders.  I've been reading (and LOVING) The Yarn Harlot, and as a result became very inspired to try my hand at sock knitting.  I bought myself some fancy KnitPicks dpns, some KnitPicks Essentials sock yarn, and away I went.  I got through the entire cuff (not without a lot of teeny tiny dropped stitches) and through the first two repeats of the leg pattern.  And happened.  I dropped a couple of stitches at the same time and I just couldn't fix them.  

Maybe I could have recovered from this, but I think I panicked.  I wanted to rip back a couple of rows to where the dropped stitches had landed.  I tried inserting my needle into the row the way they tell you in the book (demonstrated with stitches that are the size of my HEAD - these socks have teeny tiny stitches.)  I really couldn't figure it out.  I tried turning the sock inside out on the needles, thinking maybe I'd have a better angle from the other side.  This was the fatal mistake.  Somehow, I got the yarn wrapped around the sock so that it now came up from the middle of the needles, rather than from the top.  When I tried to fix it, I ended up wrapping the yarn completely around the sock and the needle.  I could not figure out how to undo the mess I made.  So the sock ended up going to frog heaven.  I was devastated.  All that hard work on those teeny tiny stitches!  The next day, I woke full of optimism and decided to try again.  I can't even get past the cast on anymore.  I've tried three times!

I think I may be doomed to knit only rectangular objects for the rest of my natural life...

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